Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Do you remember?
You came back sick.
Really sick.
All you did was sleep the whole day.
I went over.
You weren't dressed.
Unlocked the door for me.
And went back upstairs to sleep.
I picked a towel.
Plonked it in water.
And we fought.
Because you refused to have it on you.
We bargained. In your sleep.
And you were too tired to say no more.
I won. I put the towel on you.
I sat alone. Watching as you slept.
I climbed into bed with you.
Hugged you as you slept.
I saw the true beauty I fell for.
It was the peace you displayed, through the sick frown you had.
I saw pure beauty.
And I was happy I kissed beauty.

It was time for medication.
But you had to eat first.
I brought your food upstairs.
Fed you mouthful by mouthful.
As you lay weak and tired.
My chopstick skills failed me.
But it was still all good.
I ate the minimal.
Cause I felt full.
Full from the inside.
Not by tangible things.
But by the most wonderful feeling ever.

It was this same feeling that we yearned.
That we truly possessed. Together.

I still dream about the girl I fell in love with.
Where'd she go?
I miss you.
Please come back soon.

My yearning heart.